The story of Sabah with Gastric Bypass
There is no end to the success stories to reach the ideal weight and get rid of obesity, because of the presence of many fast-food restaurants full of starches and fats and sweet shops. These places have become among the main causes of obesity in Egypt and the Arab world. Also, these caused many suffer from chronic diseases and feel constantly tired and exhausted from the minimum physical effort.
As we can see in the pictures attached to the article, Sabah was an obese diabetic patient weighing 130 kilos. She tried more than once to lose weight through diet and sports, but her attempts were unsuccessful.
Therefore, she decided to resort to bariatric surgery. It was a correct decision, especially her choice of the appropriate bariatric surgeon, Dr. Heikal Mahmoud. The appropriate operation for Sabah was the Gastric Bypass operation, which helped her lose 60 kilos of her excess weight and become 70 kilos, and she got rid of type 2 diabetes.
What is laparoscopic Gastric bypass surgery?
1- It is a candidate process for type 2 diabetes patients and sweets lovers.
2- It is done under general anesthesia.
3- 4 openings are made in the abdomen, each one does not exceed 1 cm.
4- A stomach pocket is made and connected to the small intestine at a distance of a meter and a half.
5- This method helps in reducing sugars and some nutrients.
6- The process also helps to get rid of the hunger hormone or ghrelin.
What are the other complications of obesity with type 2 diabetes?
1- Elevated blood pressure.
2- High cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood vessels.
3- Pain and arthritis.
4- Shortness of breath.
5- Gastrointestinal diseases such as irritable bowel syndrome, gastroesophageal reflux disease, and stomach ulcers.
6- Weakened immunity.
Is there anything that prevents resorting to bariatric surgeries?
A person who has some health problems such as blood flow disorders must adhere to the appropriate treatment to avoid complications during or after the operation, such as bleeding or clots. Also, a person who suffers from stomach ulcers must treat himself first. Then adhere to certain healthy meals before the operation, and stay away from any spicy foods to maintain the stomach wall.
Fear of pain after bariatric surgery:
There is no need to be afraid of pain, because during the process a pain reliever device is installed in the cannula known as PCA, and it remains with the patient after his discharge from the hospital for two or three days at most. The function of this device is to pump appropriate doses of the analgesic into the body every 10 minutes. If the person feels some pain in less than 10 minutes, the person can press a button to pump another dose of the analgesic, but only if necessary.
Is there a possibility of gaining weight again after bariatric surgery?
It may occur with some patients who do not comply with all the nutritionist's instructions after bariatric operations, such as adherence to certain meals and fluids, especially in the first three months, to avoid the stomach stretching again or the occurrence of any complications. In addition to sticking to some vitamins and nutritional supplements for a long time to keep away from hair loss, maintain skin elasticity, and avoid feeling lazy and weak. Also, one of the main things is to commit to physical exercises to tighten the skin.